Dental Technologies in Spokane, WA

Providing the Best Care With the Latest Advances

At Summit Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we’re able to provide the highest quality care because we invest in the latest technology. By providing our patients with top-notch digital x-rays, treatments, and more, we can help you reach optimal dental health.

Learn about our technology and what makes our practice special.

Schick Digital X-Rays

Our Spokane practice  uses Schick digital x-ray technology for all of our radiographic imaging needs. Because each x-ray is digital, there’s no need for high levels of radiation and inconvenient x-ray films.

In the past, patients would have to wait anywhere from five to 20 minutes for a traditional film x-ray to be processed. With Schick, you can view each film instantly. This helps us to provide you with the most efficient and accurate care thanks to these high-quality, detailed scans.

Summit Family & Cosmetic Dentistry patients can “co-plan” their treatment with Dr. Lopez and feel involved in the process. We want to have a collaborative effort with our patients so they feel in control of their dental health.

ZOOM! Teeth Whitening

Thanks to the technology of ZOOM! Teeth Whitening products, we can make your smile eight shades brighter in a single appointment. ZOOM! uses whitening gel trays in 15 minute increments for a total of 45 minutes.

Feel your best and shine confidently with this amazing treatment.

CBCT Technology

Dr. López  uses the advanced CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) scanner to produce 3D views of your entire oral cavity. We can perform a more thorough exam of your oral health, detecting issues early on that go unnoticed with traditional x-rays.

We use the CBCT scanner for dental implants, wisdom teeth removal, and more.

CEREC® Same-Day Crowns

Using advanced CEREC technology, we can mill and place a customized porcelain crown in just one hour. This means you’ll only have to schedule a single appointment and can enjoy the benefits of your new smile from the moment you leave our office.

You also won’t have to deal with messy dental impressions or wearing a temporary restoration. Thanks to CEREC, the process of getting a dental crown has never been easier or more convenient.

Let Summit Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Care For You

At Summit Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we choose to use the best technology in the dental field because we care about your oral health. Let Dr. López and his team provide you with the highest quality care to help you smile with confidence and well-being. Call (509) 466-1200 to schedule your appointment.

A young woman with medium brown hair smiling and pointing to the left